In 2024, which Chinese enterprises have been sanctioned by the United States again?

Globally, the cybersecurity industry is facing a series of challenges, among which the shortage of talents and the gap in technical skills are particularly prominent. However, for the Chinese cybersecurity industry, the urgency of this issue not only stems from the global industry trend but is also closely related to the increasingly intensified technological blockade and information exchange restrictions among countries.

In particular, as the Biden administration has strengthened the control of technology exports, especially in the fields of cybersecurity technologies and knowledge, the Chinese cybersecurity industry has been significantly affected in obtaining the latest security tools, research materials, and participating in international security community cooperation. These policy adjustments not only narrowed the communication opportunities for Chinese cybersecurity experts with their global counterparts but also increased the difficulty of introducing advanced security solutions, thereby delaying the overall security protection capabilities and technological innovation speed of the industry to a certain extent.

Under this background, the Chinese cybersecurity industry is actively seeking internal solutions, including increasing investment in local talent cultivation, promoting the independent research and development capabilities of domestic security enterprises, and establishing a closer domestic security community cooperation mechanism, with the aim of maintaining industry competitiveness and an independently controllable security technology system amid international environmental changes.

It's already halfway through 2024. While the competition in cybersecurity is becoming increasingly intense, today, Xiaonai, based on the news from the United States Department of Commerce, reviews which industries and enterprises in China have been particularly "attended to" in the US export control Entity List in the past nearly one year?

The Chinese cybersecurity enterprises included in the "Entity List" by the United States this time include Knownsec, Qihoo 360, etc.




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