Cracking Down on Video Piracy: Fujian's Success in Breaking a Hacker Case

On August 8, the Fujian Cyber Security Corps took the lead in collaborating with the Quanzhou Cyber Security department to successfully crack a hacker case of illegally obtaining the exclusive authorized videos of a large video website through technical means. The lawbreakers used hacker technical means to steal more than 100,000 exclusive authorized videos such as popular series on the official website and linked the videos to illegal apps for users to watch for free. The case-handling police quickly launched an investigation and successfully arrested the criminal suspect Liu Mosheng on July 11. One crime-committing mobile phone and one crime-committing computer were seized on the spot. Liu Mosheng confessed to the criminal fact of illegally establishing a video website app and reaping illegal profits. On August 8, the Fujian Cyber Security Corps and the Quanzhou Cyber Security department carried out a unified round-up operation in places such as Sichuan, arresting three criminal suspects including Liu, Wang, and He Moujin. Six mobile phones and three computers were seized on the spot. This gang admitted to the criminal facts of illegally establishing sites, producing and selling more than 100 illegal apps, and stealing exclusive authorized videos through hacker technical means. Currently, the case is under further investigation.

Facing the increasingly rampant video piracy behavior, in fact, the data shield of Knownsec can be used to provide a complete set of comprehensive copyright protection solutions for video content providers and platform operators. The data shield technology includes multiple aspects such as copyright protection services, content monitoring and tracking, rapid response mechanisms, and legal support services. Through technical processing such as digital watermarking and encryption of video content, it is ensured that only authorized users can watch, thus effectively protecting the copyright of video content.
With the rapid development of online video content, the importance of digital copyright protection is increasingly prominent. Here, we call on the vast number of netizens and relevant enterprises to jointly participate in digital copyright protection, respect the value of original content, support the development of genuine content, and jointly build a safer, healthier, and more prosperous online environment.



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